Behringer MINIP P800 訊號分配器 精選開箱文

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Ultra-compact 9.5" headphone plifier system for studio and stage applications
4 totally independent stereo high-power plifier sections
Highest sonic quality with virtually all types of headphones even at maximum volume
Phones Level control plus accurate 6-segment LED output meter per channel for easy level monitoring
2 balanced stereo main inputs with independent Level and Balance controls for individual mixes, selectable for all 4 headphone plifiers
Accurate 6-segment LED main input meter for precise level indication of both line inputs
Dual headphone outputs on each channel on front and rear panels allow a total of 8 headphones to be connected at the se time
Parallel Link Output allows cascading of several headphone plifiers
High-quality potentiometers and illuminated switches for long-term reliability
Ultra-low noise audio operational plifiers offer outstanding sound performance
All Mini Series models can be stacked on top of each other to create an ultra-compact signal processor solution
High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life

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